Friday, November 22, 2013


    Here we goooooo! this sunday will be hard one for me. I have my hometown team that I rep, than I have my professional team that I played for on the other side. I still yell J-E-T-S JETS JETS JETS! when i see them win but when it comes to my purple birds I cawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww just as loud! I kept thinking of a way to route for both of my teams and I came up with wearing one of my Ravens shirts and my Jets hat and rotate series of cheering. My blood bleeds purple but before it changes purple it pumps green. 

      Round 2 ladies and gentlemen, and I mean the Ed Reed saga continues. Ed will be making another guest appearance to the charm city. It's ironic how in one season he has been signed to two teams that both are on the Ravens schedule. To me his road is beginning to look like Jerry Rice's road when he left the 49ers to the Raiders to the Seahawks to retire back home a 49er. So my question and some thing to ponder about is will Reed circle back home to retire a Raven where he should be or will the Jets be his last stop?

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