Wednesday, November 6, 2013


   The title of this post has puzzled my mind since i began playing organized sports in 1990. We often talk about race issues that still exist in the world and how some of those teachings have trickled down to the kids and how we as people display certain racisms and ill will towards our own race and genders in 2014 when we should be pass those ignorant ideologies. One thing that i have seen as I grew up playing sports from a youth to a professional and as a fan was people of different races come together for those 2 to 3 hours as 1 and enjoy one that time with each other.

   I have always been puzzled by a game that can eliminate peoples personal opinion about another person, group, race and gender and allow them to interact with them as though they were in the same family. Years and years ago the structure of games developed through different dynasty's were to entertain the masses and our modern version of games do the same. However, does the word sports in the modern age hold more weight than trying to bring people together to vote, to attend church, to attend a community event or rally or has the love for sports began it's reintroduction of how history's ancestors and people veiwed game's?

  My eyes have seen sporting events as the ultimate peace keeper through my time of playing and watching. I have high-fived teammates from different races, backgrounds and beliefs to high-fiving people at professional games as a fan from the same backgrounds and have enjoyed food and conversation with them. To take it a step futher and to open your mind, has Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I have a Dream" speech of seeing races joining together come to light finally? 

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